Take a seat in the booth at the Nighthawks Diner where they’re about to party like it’s 1999! As we discuss horror sequels, remakes, and retreads for this year’s Monstoberfest, one franchise dares to look back…back to a simpler time of Y2k panic, The Matrix fandom, and ball busting elder millennials.
You need not be familiar with any other V/H/S films to enjoy V/H/S 99, but you’ll want to have watched V/H/S 99 before listening, because this is a SPOILER LADEN EPISODE. THERE WILL BE NO FORMAL SPOILER CURTAIN.
If you want a spoiler-free review of V/H/S 99, listen to Matt and TrevorĀ join the panel discussion at OneOfUs.net’s Screener Squad.
V/H/S is a series of horror anthology features that have been a historical mixed bag. Will the conceit of the impending millennium bring anything new to this nostalgic series of horror shorts?
Ep 139- V/H/S 99

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