The Nighthawks’ Star Wars Omnibus

It’s that time of year again! Star Wars fever is catching.

For the May the Fourth (be with you) unofficial holiday The Nighthawks revisits the entire saga, via our podcast. Every movie gets consideration, from our discussion of the original and prequel trilogies in episode 21, or our comprehensive coverage of every Star Wars film to have been released since 2015:

NH Episode 21: The Road to the Force Awakens (Star Wars Episodes I-VI)

A long time ago, in Parts-Unknown, Utah and Austin, Texas Matt and Trevor sat down and discussed the whole Star Wars saga up until that point. The good, the bad, the ugly. It was the time of the Disney transition for Star Wars, and the boys talk about the saga, the prequels, the state of the expanded universe, and the future of the franchise.

NH Episode 22: Arrival at the Force Awakens (Star Wars Episode VII)

No big deal, it’s just a box office shattering juggernaut that represents the collision of a successful property with a hugely successful entertainment conglomerate. The Nighthawks are here to talk about it. What follows is the absolutely spoiler-ridden podcast, wherein Matt and Trevor get downright granular on their discussion of the first film in the JJ Abrams era of Star Wars.

NH Episode 54: Rogue One- A Star Wars Story

In Nighthawks Episode 54, the boys discuss 2016’s Rogue One- A Star Wars Story. Matt makes a shocking confession about where he places the newest Star Wars prequel in his personal ranking of excellence, and Trevor ranks them differently, but compelling cases are made. A bold new direction for the Star Wars franchise, tonally and stylistically, this isn’t your grandfather’s Star Wars. Or, more accurately, it’s closer to your grandfather’s idea of a “War” film than one might give credit for, walking in blind. On top of being a prequel and on top of being a recent release in a turbulent fan culture, Rogue One caught some political flack as to its casting choices. Is Rogue One a bold step forward for a more inclusive Hollywood? Or is it an affront to the choices made in the classic trilogy? Matt and Trevor have a few opinions about that…

NH Episode 55: Star Wars Episode VII: The Last Jedi

Matt and Trevor wander into the battleground as they opine about the latest film in the core Star Wars saga. A movie that has proven to be divisive among fans, it seems like you either love it or hate it. The Nighthawks have their own opinions about the film. They also, in a not-too-surprising meta twist, have their own opinions about your opinions. Then again, the movie seems to have an opinion about all of our opinions. Director Rian Johnson, of LOOPER and BRICK fame, takes the 2017 edition of the Star Wars franchise into bold new territories, subverting expectations, forging ahead, and putting its own brand on the beloved property. Did they go a step too far? Meanwhile, the political conversation continues to boil. Is The Last Jedi an allegory for our modern political spheres? Our modern pop culture fan spheres? Both? Or is this Carababba tabac cigarra just a cigarra? Join us at the conceptual Nighthawks cafe as we avoid the Star Wars Christmas Special, and talk about the wars among the stars that you want to hear about. Disagree with us? Agree? Let us know.

NH Ep 67 SOLO: A Star Wars Story

Oh, mama! Can this really be another prequel?!

The Disney/Lucasfilms Juggernaut continues to roll with the Star Wars franchise, post-JJ Abrams, with the latest “anthology film”- Solo: A Star Wars Story. Following the life and times of a young(er) Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian. We see the motley crew of rogue and peasants fall in line with a smuggler and thief named Beckett (Woody Harrelson) as he attempts to steal valuable hyperdrive fuel for the sinister Dryden Voss (Paul Bettany) and his lieutenant, Qu’ira (Emilia Clarke).

It’s smugglers, thieves, pirates, rogues, scoundrels, crime bosses, and outer space train heists. This movie has it all, and if it were taken on its own merits… probably represents a good film. But this isn’t just any movie. This is STAR WARS…

Ep 94- Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker (The End of a Saga)

Star Wars 1977 – 2019
Rest in Peace

In episode 94 of the Nighthawks Podcast we discuss Episode IX of the Third Star Wars Trilogy, and marking a future uncertain for the franchise. While opinions are starkly divided and battle lines have been drawn on social media- we humbly offer what we believe is a very mature, even-handed, and fair look at the movie. Like everyone else, we have our opinions, but we are able to discuss the opinions of others without insulting their mothers.

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