Tag: Orson Welles

Ep 75- The Purge: Election Year (A Nighthawks’ Election Special)

Look, folks. Vote. That’s the takeaway, here. That’s all we want you to do, is just exercise your right, should that be something you possess. We acknowledge that some of our listeners may not be eligible. We know that some of our listeners don’t live in the United States of America. Some people who hear […]

Ep 74: War of the Worlds (1938)- Revenge of Monstoberfest

The Nighthawks cafe turns the special Monstoberfest neon sign off, for another year, but if we’re going to go out, we’re taking the rest of the world with us. Nothing is sacred as the Matt an Trevor take a deep bite of Orson Welles’ legendary radio broadcast, that panicked an entire nation! Or… did it? […]