Ep 19- Lethal Weapon and Long Kiss Goodnight (Black Friday)

It’s the day after Thanksgiving, and that means it’s time for the BIGGEST SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR!!! Alas, we have no consumer wares to peddle to you, at rock-bottom prices.

So, The Nighthawks decided that they would ring in the holiday with a retrospective of the Christmas films of Shane Black. Shane served as writer for the two movies in Episode 19.

The first is the best buddy-cop action comedy of all time: Lethal Weapon. Followed that up with the criminally overlooked, and oft underrated THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT.

Black was, at one point, the highest-paid writer in Hollywood, due in no small part to the success of LETHAL WEAPON and by a huge payday for THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT. Later, Shane would try his hand at directing, but that’s another story for another day…

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